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Life After Missions

Sat 4 PM | Bridge

Corey Pigg, Hannah Paasch and more.

Deconstructing or losing your faith is hard. Trying to move forward in that process after a vocation in ministry can be even harder. This will be a panel led discussion on practical ways to find your way forward after a life in vocational ministry.

Corey Pigg

Corey is a former missionary, recovering pursuer of Jesus and a cult survivor. After several years of traveling the globe as a missionary and in recovery as a cult abuse survivor, Corey’s work is devoted to helping others reconnect with themselves after the loss of a lifestyle steeped in spiritual vocation and/or spiritual abuse in order to find their way forward.

Corey is responsible for Failed Missionary, a new podcast/blog that explores topics and narratives related to the modern approach to missions and questions the odd ways we’ve interpreted the great commission.

122 Life After Missions
248 Failed Missionary

Session #122